To All Members
We hope this Email finds you all well.
The Committee and Management are working hard to open the Club as near to the 04/07/20 as possible. We would like to open this Saturday and are doing our upmost to achieve this. There will be an update on Friday 03/07/20 to confirm.
In the meantime please read the below the main pointer and guidelines we will need to adhere to as per the government requirements. The Club initially will be open to Members only and their spouse (no children under 7). Children under 14 will have to vacate the premises by 17.30.
Opening Hours:
Monday – Thursday 15.00pm – 21.00pm
Friday & Saturday 12.00pm – 22.00pm
Sunday 12.00pm – 20.00pm
It will be on a first come first serve basis, and when at full capacity it will then operate on one out one in. (our Capacity in the main Bar is 40 and in the garden is 50). Members will be let in through the front door, by a member of the staff.
Please use the sanitiser station on entering the club, and read the notice board. You will then be required to check in at the main bar with your Membership Card.(unfortunately we will not be able to let in anyone without their Membership Card). It is a requirement by the government to keep a record of all visitors to the club premises.
We will be operating a one way system. Please follow the arrows on the floor. To enter the garden please use Door 1 left of the stage. To re-enter the main bar from the garden please use door 2 adjacent to the smoking area. To exit the club please use the garden gate numbered 3 and leave through the car park.
Drinks cannot be ordered at the bar. You will be required take a seat at a table either in the garden or in the main bar. ( The Lounge bar will be closed). The tables have been set out accordingly and seats marked with hazard tape must be not be used. You are required to sit with members of your household where possible. If you are sitting with your bubble of friends you must be a one meter apart or more as per Government guidelines.
Please do not move any tables or chairs. All tables will marked with a table number. Orders can be placed using the Club Web App and payment can be made by credit or debit card. Please indicate your table number when placing the order and drinks will be served to you.
If payment is not made when ordering the server will collect payment from you and after deliver your order to your table when ready.
(The loyalty cards will not be in use initially)
Please pay with your debit or credit cards where possible. Smokers may leave their table to visit the smoking area and then must return to your table after.
The doors on the toilets located by the darts area will be kept open. Only 2 persons can access the toilets at one time and must exercise social distancing.
The pool table, Darts boards and fruit machines will be out of use until further notice. The Football will be shown on the televisions, but sound will be set to a minimal level. Please do not request staff to increase the volume.
Because of these exceptional circumstances please be courteous and patience to the staff as this is also a new working environment for them.
The management and staff have been given full authority to refuse service and request any member acting unreasonably, aggressive or not adhering to the government guidelines to leave the club premises.
We will be reviewing these rules on a regular basis inline with Government Guidelines.
Please note if you are a new member your membership card has been posted first class today.
We look forward to welcoming you back to your club.
The committee